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Self-Improvement on page 3

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Breathing Truth Arash Dibazar
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Sometimes a surgeon re-breaks a broken bone so that he can restore it to its former condition (where it was originally designed to be) and align it correctly. The Lord Jesus our God sees everything that His children endure. He is The Great Physician who wants to take the broken pieces of man and bring us back into correct alignment with Him. Sometimes this requires Him both: re-breaking our wills & our desires, as well, Him remolding us on The Potter’s wheel, so that we can be fit for The Master’s service. He re-breaks us so that we heal correctly and thus do not become spiritually deformed. Defective healing in the physical and spiritual planes can affect free movement. In our soci ...
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
¿Estar en paz con el miedo? Puede parecer imposible, pero te puedo garantizar que aprender a estar en paz con el miedo transformará tu vida por completo. No digo que no vuelvas a sentir miedo, ya que es una parte natural de la experiencia humana. De hecho, incluso descubrirás que el miedo tiene algo que ofrecerte. Pero cuando experimentes el miedo, sin embargo, sabrás cómo estar con él para que no dirija tu vida. Hasta que no conozcamos el miedo íntimamente, hasta que no nos permitamos acogerlo como un amigo, el miedo tendrá el control de nuestras vidas. Y cuando podemos relajarnos con el miedo, se convierte realmente en nuestro aliado en lugar de nuestro adversario. En este l ...
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
En un mundo apresurado, de mucho trabajo, distracciones y tiempo para dormir, muy pocas personas se preocupan por cuidar tanto de su salud física como mental. Muy pocas personas saben o comprenden la necesidad imperiosa que tenemos sobre el cuidar nuestros pensamientos y nuestra mente, porque, al fin y al cabo, son ellos los responsables de nuestros sistemas de respuesta ante la vida. Por si no lo sabes, gran parte de los procesos que realizamos a lo largo de nuestro día – y nuestras vidas – es hecho de forma “automática” gracias a los eficientes mecanismos de respuesta con los que cuenta la maquinaria maravillosa que conocemos como cerebro. De nuestra mente y sus dos caras, la más i ...
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
La confianza no es algo que pueda aprenderse como un conjunto de reglas; la confianza es un estado mental. La confianza proviene de los sentimientos de bienestar, de la aceptación de tu cuerpo y tu mente (tu autoestima) y de la creencia en tu propia capacidad, habilidades y experiencia. La confianza es un atributo que a la mayoría de la gente le gustaría poseer. Aunque la confianza en uno mismo puede significar cosas diferentes para cada persona, en realidad significa simplemente tener fe en uno mismo. La confianza no es una característica innata y fija. Es una habilidad que se puede adquirir y mejorar con el tiempo. La confianza en uno mismo no es una medida estática. Nuestra confi ...
Connecting With The Vibe Jamila Sims
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
The Rhythm Journaling Method has allowed me to define myself. It will help those who desire to evolve, find their wise counsel and move beyond today’s circumstances to a place of peace harmony and balance. I’ve taught this method for more than 20 years. I continue to receive positive feedback from those who use the Rhythm Journaling Method and still find it as valuable.
Connecting With The Vibe Jamila Sims
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
The Rhythm Journaling Method has allowed me to define myself. It will help those who desire to evolve, find their wise counsel and move beyond today’s circumstances to a place of peace harmony and balance. I’ve taught this method for more than 20 years. I continue to receive positive feedback from those who use the Rhythm Journaling Method and still find it as valuable.
Cryptocurrency and The New Black Wall Street Xavier Odili
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781639015221
INTRODUCING MICHELLE LILLY, MSc, the first African American woman with a MASTERS DEGREE IN DIGITAL CURRENCY! Her years of training are now in your hands! Money. Everyone needs it, so we all work to get it. We spend, trade, earn, and save it. Unfortunately, our banking system is flawed. People know that banks offer minimal interest in return for borrowing your money, yet banks use these deposits to make significant profits. Banks also charge you fees to access your money, so you end up losing money just to watch your money collect dust in a weak interest-earning account. Imagine if you could increase your finances without having to perform manual labor - you open up more possibilit ...
Curing the Corona Hangover Todd Reimer
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
2020 and 2021 have created previously unimaginable challenges for much of the world. In North America, the generations that will pay the biggest price will start with the Millennials and Generation Z. Before 2020, I constantly heard that the Millennials and the Gen Z's entering the workforce were going to struggle in their careers and in "adulting". But what did we do to help them gain the strength, resilience, insight, and critical thinking skills they've been criticized for lacking? Not much actually. After 30 years building and leading teams, and coaching/training leaders and managers - here's what I've found: some of the best leaders and managers I've coached are from the ...
Cybersecurity Hygiene Technology Practices Vol.1 A Universal Guide to Begin Practicing Good Cybersecurity Hygiene Shelly Waite-Bey
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637904169
Cybersecurity is like an art. Think of how precise a line must be for an artist to create or finish a masterpiece. The same precision an artist has is similar to an expert in Cybersecurity. In Cybersecurity, the network (line) must also be as precise and have the most security for performance. Basic Cybersecurity Hygiene is the bare minimum security controls, practices and/or measures needed for a network. Proactive Cybersecurity is not only monitoring the network but also preparing to improve the culture and what's on the network from an even more secure perspective. Cybersecurity Hygiene Technology Practices Vol.1, A Universal Guide to Begin Practicing Good Cybersecurity Hygi ...

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